Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tobymac | Backseat Driver (Lyrics) ft. Hollyn & Tru

I don't wanna ever doubt You, I'm lost without You Lord
I don't wanna be no backseat, (don't wanna be) no backseat driver

Monday, June 6, 2016

Oil of the Week: YlangYlang

I will attempt to showcase a oil that I am using a lot, is new to me, or just because I darn right feel like it! I think oil education is so important, and I would love to share the knowledge, and my personal opinion/experience with a certain oil.

This week, I would like to introduce to you...


Ylang Ylang essential oil is derived from the star-shaped flowers of the tropical Ylang Ylang tree and is used extensively in making perfumes and in aromatherapy. Similar to Jasmine, Ylang Ylang has been used for centuries in religious and wedding ceremonies. In aromatherapy, Ylang Ylang is used to lessen tension and stress and to promote a positive outlook. Ylang Ylang is frequently used in luxurious hair and skin products for its scent and nourishing and protective properties. Taken internally, Ylang Ylang provides antioxidant support.* Ylang Ylang blends well with Bergamot, Geranium, Grapefruit, and Vetiver.


  • Put Ylang Ylang into an Epsom Salt bath for relaxation.
  • Refresh your skin with an aromatherapy steam facial using Ylang Ylang essential oil.
  • Put on your wrists for a sweet, floral perfume.
  • Add Ylang Ylang to doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner.
  • Take internally for antioxidant support.*

Primary Benefits

  • Provides antioxidant support*
  • Promotes appearance of healthy skin and hair
  • Lifts mood while having a calming effect

Aromatic Description
Sweet, rich, spicy

Collection Method
Steam Distillation

Plant Part

Main Constituents
Germacrene, caryophyllene

My favorite way to use?
I love mixing YlangYlang with other oils that have aphrodisiac effect creating a linen spray from the concoction to spray on pillows and comforters for a romantic night with my husband.

My favorite way to buy?
A wholesale membership! Start your membership here.
Or email me at joannarakoski@gmail.com for more information.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Oil of the Week: Lavender

Every week I will attempt to showcase a oil that I am using a lot, is new to me, or just because I darn right feel like it! I think oil education is so important, and I would love to share the knowledge, and my personal opinion/experience with a certain oil.

This week, I would like to introduce to you...


Lavender has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad benefits. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume; it is widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities which continue to be Lavender’s most notable qualities. Lavender is frequently used to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. Add to bath water to soak away stress or apply to the temples and the back of the neck. Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet to promote a restful night’s sleep. Due to Lavender’s versatile properties, it is considered the must-have oil to have on hand at all times.

  • Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet at bedtime
  • Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand to soothe occasional skin irritations.
  • Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining Lavender with water in a spray bottle.
  • Take internally to reduce anxious feelings.
  • Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.

Primary Benefits
Soothes occasional skin irritations
Taken internally, Lavender reduces anxious feeling and promotes peaceful sleep*
Helps ease feelings of tension.*

Aromatic Description
Powdery, floral, light

Collection Method
Steam Distillation

Plant Part

Main Constituents
Linalool, linalyl acetate

My favorite way to use?

I love lavender for skin irritations, but also learned this cool trick below!

 And for those who enjoy a video... here is Lavender in a nutshell!

My favorite way to buy?

A wholesale membership! Start your membership here.

Or email me at joannarakoski@gmail.com for more information.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hollyn - Alone (Feat. TRU)

Don’t stop
Lord I need You like a heartbeat
Rock solid under my feet
And You’re callin’ me You’re callin’ me up

Monday, May 30, 2016

DIY: Bathbomb

If you have been following my DIY series, you know by now that I am a fan of making my own products using my essential oils. Here is another easy, cost effective recipe for you!

In this weeks edition I share with you a very simple and versatile DIY recipe for all over the home. Non- toxic, affordable and safe.

DIY: Bathbombs

What you need:
  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda 
  • 1/4 cup Citric Acid 
  • 1/4 cup Cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup Epsom Salt (or sea salt) 
  • 2 tsp Fractionated Coconut Oil ( or any oil you have on hand)
  • 5-7 drops Essential Oil 
  • 3-4 drops Soap or Food Coloring 
  • 1/2 tbs Water
  • Soap mold/Plastic Easter egg/Plastic Ornament mold
Mixture makes about 6 bathbombs

What to do:

  • In a medium sized bowl combine all dry ingredients and use a whisk to mix well.
  • In a small cup combine all wet ingredients and stir well. It is normal for the oil to separate the food coloring. Just mix extra hard.
  • Slowly add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, stir very wet in between. You want to add slowly so that the mixture doesn't activate the citric acid. The mixture will bubble slightly. When this happens stir hard to make it stop.
  • The mixture should resemble lightly wet sand. You want to make sure you use the correct amount of wet ingredients. If the mixture becomes to wet it will activate and bubble over your soap molds.
  • If you feel your mixture is too wet ( sticks together like wet sand) add a little bit of corn starch.
  • Add your mixture into your mold and let the mold sit overnight. 
  • Store in a dry area.

Cost Breakdown: The cost of certain items will differ depending on where you purchase them. I tend to buy my items in bulk but these items could also be found in the dollar store. The essential oils used in this recipe will also change the cost of the bath bomb. Due to this, I will not be doing a detailed cost breakdown . However, on an average  1 bath bomb cost between .30 - .72.   When compared to the popular retailed LUSH where a average bath-bomb costs between $3.00-$12.00, I can safely say that our recipe is still cost effective.

Now, I do have to say, that LUSH offers bath-bombs that have glitter, different colors and even little toys inside. This is easily duplicated with simply adding those to the recipe!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hysterosalpingogram... or HSG

A hystero.. hysta... hysterosal.. a HSG.

Technically speaking a hysterosalpingogram (even my spell check doesn't register that as a word) or HSG is an x-ray procedure used to see whether the fallopian tubes are patent (open) and if the inside of the uterus (uterine cavity) is normal. HSG is an outpatient procedure that usually takes less than 5 minutes to perform.

Now, if you have read my past posts about infertility, you may realize that I want to be honest with my readers, but most importantly I want to share my story, with those who may be going through something similar. 

When I found out I was going to have a HSG, I naturally turned to the internet to find out everything I possibly could. I found some, but not many personal experiences. Nothing that detailed everything that went on. Due to this, I want to be able to share those personal details, with well, whoever the heck reads my blog. 

So, this is your official warning. The below will be true accounts of my experience going through a HSG. I will be using words such as vagina, speculum, lubrication. If that bothers you - I advise you skip this post. Also, please be gentle. This isn't something I sit around talking to my girlfriends about. It is a intimate topic and I am going to be completely real with the details.

Why a HSG?

When trying to determine the cause of infertility, and before starting infertility drug treatments it is common to have a lot of tests done to make sure that the mechanics for having a baby are there and that all looks well. Due to the fact that last year I had a very invasive abdominal surgery, that caused a lot of complications and infections, my OBGYN choose to have a HSG done in order to make sure there was no scar tissue, and that my fallopian tubes were clear.

What is a HSG?

Without going into the science, a HSG is a procedure where a medical professional inserts dye very quickly through your vagina to ensure that the falopians tubes are nice and clear. The procedure it self only takes a few minutes, but there is quite a bit of prep work.

Side effects?

Thankfully for me, I had very little side effects. I did take a Tylenol 500 mg prior to the procedure, and after the procedure I only had light discharge ( I blame the lube that they used) and slight cramping, that really wasn't that bad. Although I did not experience any heavy side effects, depending on your situation, some women do have heavy cramping. I was told by the nurse after the procedure to take another Tylenol if this were to happen.

The Rundown 

According to my OBGYN it is best to have the HSG done between the 5-8 day of a woman's cycle. Lucky for me, when we decided I would do the HSG, I was on day 7. I was told to arrive the next day at radiology. There were no restrictions on food or water. 

When I arrived the next day at Radiology, I was admitted with a hospital band, and shown to a waiting room. After what seemed like eternity but realistically was 5 minutes, a nurse and two students came to get me. 

We walked into the procedure room where there was a large machine, a table and honestly not much else. Connected to the room was a bathroom where I was told to change out of my clothes into a very trendy hospital gown.

When I came out, I was told to sit on the surgical looking table and wait for the radiologist. Remember, in my experience I had a nurse, two students and a radiologist so the room was filled. Thankfully everyone was very nice and when the radiologist finally came he explained the procedure. 

The radiologist had me lay back on the surgical table, with my feet in the stirrups just as if you were preparing for a exam or pap smear.  There was a large machine over my abdomen that almost seemed like a XRAY machine. To the side of me was a television screen that showed the inside of my uterus. It was very neat to see. I was able to watch the whole procedure.

The procedure started with the radiologist  inserting a lubricated speculum into my vagina. Once again, just as you would with a pap smear. The radiologist then explained he would insert a catheter. This did not hurt, just slightly pinched. Next, he told me he was going to flush and clean with some sterile water. Once again, the sensation wasn't painful just uncomfortable.

Then it was time for the main show, the dye to shoot through my Fallopian tubes. This is where everyone's experience will differ in terms of pain. The general consensus is that if you have a blockage somewhere , this part of the procedure may hurt. If you do not have blockage, it should be relatively painless. However, this also depends on your pain tolerance as there have been women who have had no blockage but have felt pain.  I, thankfully, had very little pain, and was surprised when it was over. Thanks be to God, I found out on the spot that my Fallopian tubes seemed to be clear and working just fine.

After this part of the procedure, the radiologist took out the catheter, and said he was finished. During the whole procedure the nurse and two students simply stood by to watch, and hand the radiologist tools. After the procedure, everyone left the room and they allowed me to clean up and get dressed in private.

I was told that after the procedure there may be some discharge and a little bit of blood and that I should wear a pad. Indeed, there was quite a bit of discharge but no blood. Knowing that I have a low pain tolerance, I went ahead and took a second Tylenol when I got home. I took it easy for the rest of the day, but didn't necessarily have to as I felt fine.

My OBGYN called me the next day to reiterate the results, that everything was fine and we could proceed to our next step.

I hope that my detailed experience may help someone who is going into a HSG blindly not knowing what to expect. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them below. 

Pax Et Bonum

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Oil of the Week: Geranium

I will attempt to showcase a oil that I am using a lot, is new to me, or just because I darn right feel like it! I think oil education is so important, and I would love to share the knowledge, and my personal opinion/experience with a certain oil.

This week, I would like to introduce to you...

 Uses of Geranium essential oil date back to ancient Egypt when
 Egyptians used Geranium oil to beautify skin and for other benefits. 
In the Victorian era, fresh geranium leaves were placed at formal dining
 tables as decorative pieces and to be consumed as a fresh sprig if desired;
 in fact, the edible leaves and flowers of the plant are often used in desserts,
 cakes, jellies, and teas. 
As an essential oil, Geranium has been used to promote the
 appearance of clear skin and healthy hair—making it ideal for skin and hair care products.
 It also helps calm nerves and lessen feelings of stress. Geranium is also known to naturally repel insects.

 • Use in an aromatherapy steam facial to beautify skin
. • Add a drop to your moisturizer for a smoothing effect
. • Geranium is great for both dry and oily hair. Apply a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner bottle, or make your own deep hair conditioner.
 • Diffuse aromatically for a calming effect. 


Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Month of Mary: The Veil

      For those who are readers from my past blog " Wrapped In Engaged Bliss"  you may remember my Veil series where I interviewed women of different faiths including Catholicism who chose to cover their hair for religious reasons. For those who are interested I am happy to once again start up that series where I delve deep into the personal convictions of why some women cover.

     Today, however I will go into my journey of why I started veiling, and why I cannot see myself going back. I plan on doing a Q&A style post in the near future of frequently asked questions, but til then, here is my story.

     As a Catholic woman, I choose to follow the tradition of wearing a veil to Mass, adoration and anytime our Lord is present. I suspect when people see my veil in church they have no idea why I am wearing one, and others assume I am " stuck in pre-Vatican " times.

      Growing up in a family and in a parish where no one wore a veil, I never seemed drawn to it, I never knew it was a option. It was never on my mind. I do remember this beautiful statue in the church where we often went as a family growing up where the Blessed Mother is wrapped in this gorgeous light blue mantilla, and that image has always stuck in my mind.

        Fast forward into my college years, I was pretty active in my schools Newman center, and once attended a "Koinania" which is a Catholic retreat for young Catholics. During the opening Mass, out of the corner of my eye I saw a beautiful young woman. She dressed modestly, and her hair was covered in a breath taking veil.  I was immediately drawn to it, and memories of that statue in my home church flooded back.

    After that powerful weekend I could not stop thinking about that veil. I went to google and started doing what I do best - researching. Why would she be wearing a veil, was she discerning religious life? Was she a nun? Is she from a different country? After weeks of reading, I went to my local Catholic store, and purchase a ordinary black veil and white veil.

    I was so very excited to wear it to Mass. Sunday rolled around, and all of a sudden a overwhelming feeling of nervousness, and uneasiness came over me. What will people think? Will they assume I am "holier than thou". Will I look silly? I put the veil away, and went to Mass without it.

     I didn't know it then, but I was not ready to wear it. I saw the veil as a accessory to stick on my head, and didn't understand why I was doing it. What it meant to me, and more importantly veiling my heart first, and then my head.

    After about 6 months of praying about veiling, doing more research, and knowing that questions would come, I prepared myself as too what I would answer. I wanted to be well educated. I started going to adoration, and often I was alone, and that is where I started veiling.  The veil no longer was a accessory to my outfit, but a shield of humility before our Lord, and symbol of obedience to Him.

    It has been about 4 years since the day I saw that young woman wearing that veil. Since I have grown my veil collection to reflect different liturgical seasons, and have grown in my conviction. More often than not, I am the only woman veiling at Mass, and that is okay with me.

    My husband and I try to attend the Traditional Latin Mass, when available to us, and that is usually the only time where I am not the minority. I pray that more women have the courage to veil for Mass, and discern if the conviction is right for them.

    In my next post about veiling, I hope to answer some frequently asked questions, and go deeper into the history behind veiling. If you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them as a comment below, or email me privately.

Most of my current veils are custom made by a dear friend of mine. Her etsy shop is here. However, all of her veils are custom order.

Pax Et Bonum

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Irene - TobyMac

A oldie but a goodie.... my favorite part...

"You got to reach up to touch rock bottom
The powers that be keep you downtrodden
Daughter of Zion, I heard your prayer
Just cast your cares and please beware of snakes
They come in all shapes and sizes
Tempt you, put scales on your eyelids".

It makes me think how often I have had " scales on my eyelids".

Monday, May 23, 2016

DIY: All Purpose Spray Cleaner

If you have been following my DIY series, you know by now that I am a fan of making my own products using my essential oils. Here is another easy, cost effective recipe for you!

In this weeks edition I share with you a very simple and versatile DIY recipe for all over the home. Non- toxic, affordable and safe.

DIY: All-Purpose Spray

What you need:
  •  A 16ozspray bottle. I always recommend glass, but plastic can be used.
  •  1/4 cup white vinegar
  •  1 3/4 cups water
  • 15 drops dōTERRA essential oil (see suggestions below)
  • 1 tbsp of Epsom salt ( the Epsom salt helps the mixture stay mixed, this is optional.)

What to do:
  • Add all ingredients to spray bottle. Shake thoroughly. 

Essential oils to try:
A combination of any of the above essential oils would work great in your homemade cleaning spray. Experiment and find what works best for you.

Some recommended combinations include:
  • 15 drops each of Lavender and Lemon
  • 10 drops each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Wild Orange
  • 30 drops On Guard blend

Cost Breakdown: For this cost breakdown I will be only be picking apart the solution. I do this because the cost of a spray bottle will differ on the material and brand. 

Vinegar - 1gal =$3.00 / 16 cups =.18 /4= .046 per recipe
Epsom Salt ( Optional)  - 1lb bag = $4/32 - = .125 per recipe if used

Recommended essential oils for cleaning solution ( all prices are wholesale membership prices please email me if you do not have a wholesale membership). Also, the price can change depending on the oil mix. The below cost is if you were to do a whole cleaning solution based off of one oil. With any of these oils you do not have to mix, or you could mix any or all. 

Lavender - $21 per bottle/250 = .084 x 30 drops = $2.52 per cleaning solution

Lemon - $10 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/ 30 drops= $1.20 per cleaning solution

Peppermint $20.50 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops= $2.46 per cleaning solution

WildOrange - $10.50 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops= $1.26 per cleaning solution

Melaleuca  $19.00 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops= $2.28 per cleaning solution

OnGuard $32.00 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops = $3.84 per cleaning solution

Total Cost:
Depending on the essential oils you use and mix you find the range to be between $1.37 -$4.01

Compare with a non toxic household cleaner you could buy at the store:
Clorox Green Spray - $5.50
Mrs. Meyers - $8.00
Honest - $5.95
Seventh Generation - $6.83

Our solution is still cost effective compared to these non toxic household cleaners you would buy at the store! Win!

recommend this all purpose spray for all surfaces minus wood. I have a wonderful wood cleaner recipe that I will share sometime soon!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Month of Mary: The Marylike Standards for Modesty in Dress

This year, during the month of May, my intentions for my spiritual life is grow closer to the blessed Mary. My intentions for my blog is to honor Mary by sharing different prayers, devotions and how to be " Mary- like".I hope that you join me in honoring the Holy Mother of God.

The Mary-like Standards For Modesty In Dress

The below standards are ones that I choose to follow, and feel convicted to incorporate into my daily life. It is possible as a young 20 something female, who is surrounded by the media to dress attractively yet fit the below standards. By no means was this a overnight process, yet a learning experience over the course of a few years. I still, to this day fail in one way or another, but most importantly I am putting these standards as a priority, and making an effort. 

1. Mary-like is modest without compromise, "like Mary,” Christ's Mother.

2. Mary-like dresses have sleeves extending at least to the elbows and skirts reaching below the knees. [When a woman sits down her knees should still be well covered]. (Note: because of impossible market conditions quarter-length sleeves are temporarily tolerated with Ecclesiastical Approval, until Christian womanhood again turns to Mary as the model of modesty in dress.)

3. Mary-like dress require full coverage for the bodice, chest, shoulders, and back; except for a cut-out about the neck not exceeding two inches below the neckline in front and in back, and a corresponding two inches on the shoulders.

4. Mary-like dresses do not admit as modest coverage transparent fabrics — laces, nets, organdy, nylons, etc. — unless sufficient backing is added. However, their moderate use as trimmings is acceptable.

5. Mary-like dresses avoid the improper use of flesh-colored fabrics.

6. Mary-like dresses conceal rather than reveal the figure of the wearer; they do not emphasize, unduly, parts of the body.

7. Mary-like dresses provide full coverage even after jacket, cape or stole are removed. — (Full, loose fitting culottes reaching below the knees have been suggested by some as acceptable for picnics, hikes, sports, and certain kinds of work.) [4]

Act of Consecration

to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Purity

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin Most Pure, mindful of the terrible moral dangers threatening on all sides, and aware of my own human weakness, I voluntarily place myself, body and soul, this day and always, under thy loving maternal care and protection.

I consecrate to thee my body, with all its members, asking thee to help me never to use it as an occasion of sin to others. Help me to remember that my body is the "Temple of the Holy Ghost," and to use it according to God's Holy Will for my own personal salvation, and the salvation of others.

I consecrate to thee my soul, asking thee to watch over it, and to bring it home safe to thee and to Jesus in Heaven for all eternity.

O Mary, my Mother, all that I am, all that I have is thine. Keep me and guard me under thy mantle of mercy, as thy personal property and possession.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love Thee; save souls!

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Oil of the Week: Wild Orange

Starting this week, I will attempt to showcase a oil that I am using a lot, is new to me, or just because I darn right feel like it! I think oil education is so important, and I would love to share the knowledge, and my personal opinion/experience with a certain oil.

This week, I would like to introduce to you...
Wild Orange

Cold pressed from the peel, Wild Orange is one of
dōTERRA’s top selling essential oils due to its energizing
aroma and multiple health benefits.* High in
monoterpenes, Wild Orange possesses stimulating and
purifying qualities, making it ideal to support healthy
immune system function when seasonal threats are high.*
As with many citrus peel oils, Wild Orange contains
powerful antioxidants that help maintain overall health.* It
can be taken daily to cleanse the body* or used on
surfaces as a natural cleaner. Diffusing Wild Orange will
energize and uplift the mind and body while purifying the
air. Wild Orange enhances any essential oil blend with a
fresh, sweet, refreshing aroma.
• Use in an all-purpose spray to cleanse and purify
• Add a drop to your water every day for a burst of flavor
and to promote overall health.*
• Diffuse to uplift mood and energy levels and to freshen
the air.
• For an energizing boost, dispense one to two drops in
the palm of your hand along with equal parts
Peppermint and Frankincense. Rub palms together and
inhale deeply from palms, then rub on the back of neck.

Aromatically, Topically, Internally

Extraction Method
Cold pressed/expressed

Aromatic Description
Sweet, fresh, citrus

Main Chemical Components

My favorite way to use?
As many know, WildOrange is my number one oil. Its citrus aromas gets my day started. It is one of the few oils I choose to use internally. It is affordable and my go to. I put a drop in my water bottle, I diffuse every morning as I get ready instead chugging coffee, I choose to add this into my baking instead of extract!

My favorite way to buy?
A wholesale membership! Start your membership here.
Or email me at joannarakoski@gmail.com for more information.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Unexplained Infertility

First off, I wanted to express my true gratitude and thanks for a overwhelmingly loving response from my first post about infertility. I was surprised to see that quite a few have also struggled with similar problems and  many of you offered prayers and some asked questions.

The general question was... " What is wrong?".

Answer: We don't know. 

My husband and I have been through a series of tests, some of which I will explain in detail in future posts, and the short answer of it all is that nothing is wrong, yet something is. 

For those not familiar with the fertility world - that is the problem. 

On a positive note, all of the tests ( see below) that we have done thus far have indicated that we are two healthy individuals who are prime candidates for procreation.

So far our tests have included...

  • A complete hormone, and blood work panel.
  • Antral Follicle Counts, Resting Follicles and Ovarian Reserve
  • A hysterosalpingogram or HSG.
  • I have had blood drawn at various times during my cycles to check for ovulation, progesterone and other vital hormones.
  • I have been charting using the Creighton Method.
  • I have been using OPKs ( Ovulation Predictor Kits)

My Husband
  • A complete hormone and blood work panel
  • Sperm analysis

  Can I just say I think its a little unfair ;), regarding the testing a woman has to go through vs. a male!

We are grateful that all of our results have come back the way we wanted them to, which leads our doctor to stick us in the category for "unexplained infertility". This is something to be grateful for as there isn't anything directly " wrong with us", and thankfully we do have time on our side as we are young. 

But, of course that leaves us with the question, same as before,  " What is wrong".  

Blatantly put,the mechanics are there, the tools are good to go, yet the end result does not yield a pregnancy.

 We are taking steps to work on this problem: jump starting ovulation, scheduled intercourse etc.
In addition, we are taking this time to enjoy ourselves, and not to get " too wrapped up" in it all. We don't want "this" to run our lives and stress us out.

We know that God has the perfect plan for us. It may not be exactly what WE want right now, but we also do not see the "big picture".

Pax et bonum

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

How Great Is Our God - World Edition

I truly recommend you closing your eyes and listening to all 6 minutes of this beautiful song. There is a "non world" version which is just in English. However, hearing the words " How Great Is Our God" in the different languages sends chills down my spine. Sit back, close your eyes, and if you are anything like me, let the tears flow.

Pax Et Bonum

Monday, May 16, 2016

DIY: Facial Toner

If you have been following my DIY series, you know by now that I am a fan of making my own products using my essential oils. Here is another easy, cost effective recipe for you!

I recently ran out of my facial toner that I was using for a very long time. Instead of venturing out to the store I decided to make my own with items I already had at home!

DIY: Facial Toner

What You Need:
  • A container to keep your toner in. I used a glass 4 oz spray bottle that I happen to have.
  • 2 oz Witch Hazel
  • 1.5 Distilled or boiled water
  • 15 drops of essential oil/s of your choice. See my recommendations below.

How To:
  • Pour Witch Hazel into designated container
  • Add essential oil/s of choice.
  • Fill rest of container with 1.5 oz distilled/boiled water.

Cost Breakdown:

In this simple DIY, there are only two costs: the Witch Hazel, and the essential oil/s of your choice. I choose not to add the cost of the container because that will vary with what you use.

Witch Hazel - $10.00 per 12 oz bottle. 2 oz cost = $1.66

Recommended essential oils for facial toner ( all prices are wholesale membership prices please email me if you do not have a wholesale membership).

Lavender - $21 per bottle/250 = .084 x 15 drops = $1.26 per recipe

Frankincense - $69.75 per bottle/250 = .279 x 15 drops = $4.19 per recipe

Geranium  - $27.00 per bottle/250 = .108 x 15 drops = $1.62 per recipe

Grapefruit - $16.00 per bottle/250 = .064 x 15 drops = $0.96 per recipe

Total Cost: Between $2.62 -$5.85 per recipe depending on the essential oil you are using

Compared with: This figure will  differ depending on the toner you are currently using. I use Clinque facial toner which is around $14.00. Once again my DIY is cost effective!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Weekend in Feminine Dress

A wonderful blogger that I follow:Colette Zimmerman  over at "The Catholic Lady" runs a series entitled"A Weekend in Feminine Dress". I was featured in her blog this past week and would be elated if you could go check out her blog post!

This is what " A Weekend in Feminine Dresss" is about...

Welcome to A Weekend In Feminine Dress on The Catholic Lady Blog.  This is when I post pictures of myself or a volunteer wearing a modest, elegant outfit to encourage women in the apostolate of feminine dress.  If you would like to share your photos for publication here, please send them to me at: thecatholiclady@gmail.com.  Please note: I reserve the right to reject those pictures that do not reflect the ideals of modesty and elegance this blog promotes.  Thank you!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Month of Mary: 15 Promises of the Rosary

This year, during the month of May, my intentions for my spiritual life is grow closer to the blessed Mary. My intentions for my blog is to honor Mary by sharing different prayers, devotions and how to be " Mary- like".I hope that you join me in honoring the Holy Mother of God.

Mary’s Promises for Daily Devotion
  1. To all those who shall pray my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and great graces.
  2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive signal graces.
  3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against Hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin, and dispel heresy.
  4. The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies. It will draw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
  5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.
  6. Whoever recites my Rosary devoutly, reflecting on the mysteries, shall never be overwhelmed by misfortune. He will not experience the anger of God nor will he perish by an unprovided death. The sinner will be converted; the just will persevere in grace and merit eternal life.
  7. Those truly devoted to my Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
  8. Those who are faithful to recite my Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces and will share in the merits of the blessed.
  9. I will deliver promptly from Purgatory souls devoted to my Rosary.
  10. True children of my Rosary will enjoy great glory in Heaven.
  11. What you shall ask through my Rosary you shall obtain.
  12. To those who propagate my Rosary I promise aid in all their necessities.
  13. I have obtained from my Son that all the members of the Rosary Confraternity shall have as their intercessors, in life and in death, the entire celestial court.
  14. Those who recite my Rosary faithfully are my beloved children, the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.
  15. Devotion to my Rosary is a special sign of predestination.
Mary, who is our true spiritual Mother, always desires what is best for us. She who was conceived without sin and sits as the Queen of Heaven and Earth enjoys a will that is in perfect unity with the will of God. What she wants for us is nothing less than what He wants. And He who made us knows precisely what we need to do to do the work He has assigned us, and the surest path home to Him.
These promises of Mary show us how the rosary serves as a spiritual weapon that every soldier for Christ and His Church needs to fight successfully in the spiritual battle that comprises much of our earthly sojourn. Those who trust in the Rosary and are faithful to Mary through it will have access to many additional graces that those who choose not to pray it won’t. Graces we desperately need to help us make it through the narrow gate that leads to heaven.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Oil Of The Week: Breathe

Starting this week, I will attempt to showcase a oil that I am using a lot, is new to me, or just because I darn right feel like it! I think oil education is so important, and I would love to share the knowledge, and my personal opinion/experience with a certain oil.

This week, I would like to introduce to you.....


To watch a quick video about Breathe click here.

Breathe maintains feelings of clear airways
and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of
seasonal threats. dōTERRA Breathe can be applied
topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet, or
diffused at nighttime to calm the senses and promote a
restful sleep.

• Diffuse, inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest
or feet when seasonal and environmental threats
are high.
• Use when outdoors to minimize the effects of
seasonal threats.
• Diffuse at bedtime for a restful night’s sleep.
• Diffuse or inhale directly from palms, or rub on
chest when environmental threats are high. 

Aromatically, Topically

Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant,
Melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Ravensara Leaf,
Cardamom Seed essential oils

Aromatic Description:
Minty, hot, fresh, airy

My favorite way to use?
I personally have been taking breathe and mixing it with fractionated coconut oil and rubbing it on the bottom on my feet before bed and my chest. This promotes clear breathing for myself, allows be to sleep peacefully and opens airways due to seasonal threats.

My favorite way to buy?
A wholesale membership! Start your membership here.
Or email me at joannarakoski@gmail.com for more information.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Born Again - Third Day

Have you felt that you weren't deserving of Christ's love lately?

You feel weighed down, not enough time in the day to work, clean, cook, take care of the kids, remind yourself to shower, how on earth will you have time to go on bended knee?
So you start drifting from Him.

You feel distant. You feel unclean. You think you are broken beyond repair. 
Forgiveness my friends. Christ shed blood for all of us so that we may be forgiven and so that we may believe in His love for us. Hold tight to his love, he is just a prayer away, he never left you.


Today I found myself
After searching all these years
And the man that I saw, he wasn't at all who I thought he'd be
I was lost when you found me here
And I was broken beyond repair
Then you came along and you sang your song over me

It feels like I'm born again
It feels like I'm living
For the very first time
For the very first time
In my life

Infertility Battles

Ever since I can I remember, I knew I wanted children.When I met my husband, who shared the same passion, I began to dream of a large Catholic family.

As a happily engaged couple, we thought about kitchen counter-tops, traveling we will do, and the idea of me growing my essential oil business, quickly, as we were sure that children would come shortly after marriage. This way I could stay home but still bring in a steady income.

Our engagement lasted 3 years and the anticipation to be husband and wife grew. We welcomed the topic of children when asked and always chuckled when others laughed or cringed when we shared that we would accept the family that God would bless us with , and that we will be very open to life...very... as in we were totally down for TLC to contact us to be the Catholic Duggars. Just kidding. Kind of.

Our wedding came and went, and the questions started. Not at first, but a few months following, after a trail of negative pregnancy tests, the question of " When will you start having children" started becoming a little annoying stick that would poke  and bother me.

We were open to life. Sure finances could be better. Our housing situation isn't ideal. Yes, my business is still growing , and maybe this wouldn't be an ideal to quit my " real job". Regardless of the circumstance, we would welcome a new life with great joy. Month after month, it seemed as if we were given a rejection letter, and once  given a child that was in womb for a short time and went to heaven.

Where were we going wrong? As two healthy, young adults we  really didn't think that we would have much trouble conceiving, but we started to wonder.. is there something wrong?

Talking about infertility, isn't the easiest topic for me to be passionate about. It is so much easier to be positive about modesty, essential oils, Catholicism etc. I thought and prayed about sharing my journey with the internet, knowing that there could be a flock of negative feedback, or make people feel uncomfortable.

To be completely honest it wasn't a topic that I ever considered talking about as I was SURE that we wouldn't have problems. Alas, God works in mysterious ways. I want to be able to share my journey, the tests, the pokes and the prods, the happy and the sad. When I did my research there weren't many personal "testaments" to certain tests that I had done, and I hope to shed light on some of these topics for those going through similar circumstances.

As I share my journey, please be gentle as much of the information in the posts will be intimate both physically and from the heart. I am happy to take any questions, and share " What to Say, What not to Say" to someone that may be experiencing infertility.

As I conclude this post, I should mention that as the moment we are 8 months married, and this may not seem like a long period of time to "try" for a baby, and that it may be "silly" to be looking into fertility treatments. Yes, I realize that both my husband and I are young, and we are thoroughly enjoying our time together. However, I am also very happy that we are looking into fertility treatments now. As Catholics, we are limited to the type of medications, and treatments that we are ethically able to take part in. We would rather, find out now if the possibility of a child is not Gods plan for us and possibly look into other means of parenthood: adoption.

Our fertility journey has already been "happening" for a few months, and due to this, and the want to go into detail, I will break up the journey in a series of posts, that will happen weekly.

Pax Et Bonum