Monday, May 23, 2016

DIY: All Purpose Spray Cleaner

If you have been following my DIY series, you know by now that I am a fan of making my own products using my essential oils. Here is another easy, cost effective recipe for you!

In this weeks edition I share with you a very simple and versatile DIY recipe for all over the home. Non- toxic, affordable and safe.

DIY: All-Purpose Spray

What you need:
  •  A 16ozspray bottle. I always recommend glass, but plastic can be used.
  •  1/4 cup white vinegar
  •  1 3/4 cups water
  • 15 drops dōTERRA essential oil (see suggestions below)
  • 1 tbsp of Epsom salt ( the Epsom salt helps the mixture stay mixed, this is optional.)

What to do:
  • Add all ingredients to spray bottle. Shake thoroughly. 

Essential oils to try:
A combination of any of the above essential oils would work great in your homemade cleaning spray. Experiment and find what works best for you.

Some recommended combinations include:
  • 15 drops each of Lavender and Lemon
  • 10 drops each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Wild Orange
  • 30 drops On Guard blend

Cost Breakdown: For this cost breakdown I will be only be picking apart the solution. I do this because the cost of a spray bottle will differ on the material and brand. 

Vinegar - 1gal =$3.00 / 16 cups =.18 /4= .046 per recipe
Epsom Salt ( Optional)  - 1lb bag = $4/32 - = .125 per recipe if used

Recommended essential oils for cleaning solution ( all prices are wholesale membership prices please email me if you do not have a wholesale membership). Also, the price can change depending on the oil mix. The below cost is if you were to do a whole cleaning solution based off of one oil. With any of these oils you do not have to mix, or you could mix any or all. 

Lavender - $21 per bottle/250 = .084 x 30 drops = $2.52 per cleaning solution

Lemon - $10 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/ 30 drops= $1.20 per cleaning solution

Peppermint $20.50 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops= $2.46 per cleaning solution

WildOrange - $10.50 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops= $1.26 per cleaning solution

Melaleuca  $19.00 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops= $2.28 per cleaning solution

OnGuard $32.00 per bottle. 250 drops per bottle/30 drops = $3.84 per cleaning solution

Total Cost:
Depending on the essential oils you use and mix you find the range to be between $1.37 -$4.01

Compare with a non toxic household cleaner you could buy at the store:
Clorox Green Spray - $5.50
Mrs. Meyers - $8.00
Honest - $5.95
Seventh Generation - $6.83

Our solution is still cost effective compared to these non toxic household cleaners you would buy at the store! Win!

recommend this all purpose spray for all surfaces minus wood. I have a wonderful wood cleaner recipe that I will share sometime soon!

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